9 Months That Made You
Discover the thrilling story of how you were made, from the moment of conception to the moment of birth 280 days later. This breakthrough series follows the gestation process, using state-of-the-art CGI to reveal the most exquisite biological choreography found in nature. Across three episodes we chart how 100 trillion cells come together to make each of us a unique individual. The way you smile, the environments you thrive in, the color of your eyes – everything about you depends on an elaborate dance of biology that happens hidden away in the womb, all timed to precision. But by using the latest scientific research and advances in medicine, we can now reveal this hidden world in forensic detail. Zeroing in on milestones along the road to creation – where critical events in your miraculous assembly can change your life forever.Cast
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Release Date
June 29, 2016Last air Date
July 13, 2016Status
EndedOriginal Language
Available On
Season 1
Aired on: 2016 | 3 Episodes
With the help of CGI and personal stories, this three-part series documents the minute-by-minute process of human gestation, from conception to birth. Each episode looks inside the womb to re-create the growth process of a fetus, illustrating how a fertilized egg acquires traits that ultimately lead to the creation of a unique individual. The series also explains how certain unexpected mutations can occur during the growth process. One story focuses on a family whose multigenerational genetic mutation causes half of the members to grow six digits on each hand.
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