Gene Roddenberry
Jean-Luc Picard
Total episodes: 176
William T. Riker
Total episodes: 176
Total episodes: 176
Geordi La Forge
Total episodes: 176
Total episodes: 176
Deanna Troi
Total episodes: 176
Beverly Crusher
Total episodes: 154
Wesley Crusher
Total episodes: 82
Miles O'Brien
Total episodes: 53
Enterprise Computer (voice) / Lwaxana Troi,Lwaxana Troi
Total episodes: 34
Tasha Yar,Sela
Total episodes: 33
Total episodes: 31
Release Date
September 28, 1987Last air Date
May 23, 1994Status
EndedOriginal Language
Available On
Aired on: 1993 | 25 Episodes
In the seventh and final season, Riker goes undercover and rediscovers Picard posing as a mercenary on an alien ship. Together they initiate a plan to find a lethal artifact. The crew struggles to deal with Data's new found human elements which cause several traumatic episodes for the crew. As Picard is imprisoned by an alien race, he comes to terms with past emotions. Riker is once again conflicted between his loyalty to Picard and his obligation to Starfleet and the Federation. As the lives of the crew members are endangered, Picard is taken on a journey to the past, present, and future to see the results of his actions.