Aaron Sorkin
President Josiah Bartlet
Total episodes: 154
C.J. Cregg
Total episodes: 154
Leo McGarry
Total episodes: 154
Josh Lyman
Total episodes: 154
Donna Moss
Total episodes: 145
Toby Ziegler
Total episodes: 143
Charlie Young
Total episodes: 138
Margaret Hooper
Total episodes: 106
Carol Fitzpatrick
Total episodes: 101
Sam Seaborn
Total episodes: 90
Will Bailey
Total episodes: 83
Abbey Bartlet
Total episodes: 69
Release Date
September 22, 1999Last air Date
May 14, 2006Status
EndedOriginal Language
Available On
Aired on: 2005 | 22 Episodes
After nearly eight years, President Bartlet's time in the White House has come to an end, and two formidable men vie for the Presidency: Arnold Vinick, a Republican senator from California, and Matthew Santos, a three-term Houston Democratic congressman. After suffering a heart attack, former Advisor to the President Leo McGarry resolutely serves as Santos' vice presidential running mate, ably assisted by Annabeth Schott. Former Deputy Chief of Staff Josh Lyman keeps his highly regarded political mind in overdrive as Santos' campaign manager.