![Patchrapa Chaichua profile](https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w500/74JOl3ekSBaPTfIuISNXZNuuNZU.jpg)
Patchrapa Chaichua
Jang Jai
Total episodes: 15
Jang Jai
Total episodes: 15
San Dee
Total episodes: 15
Total episodes: 15
Jang Jai [Young]
Total episodes: 15
Release Date
August 11, 2004Last air Date
September 29, 2004Status
EndedOriginal Language
Available On
Aired on: 2004 | 15 Episodes
First San Dee saw Jing Jai wearing a very expensive dress but the dress is actually mistaken, it got switch with a actress, and San Dee saw Jing Jai looking a an expensive necklace. San Dee thinks Jing Jai is rich and Jing Jai thinks San Dee is rich. A rich family is also trying to find their only child and San Dee is helping them. Who is the child?
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