World News Now
World News Now is an American overnight television news program that is broadcast on ABC during the early morning hours each Monday through Friday. Its tone is often lighthearted, irreverent and humorous. Created by its original executive producer, David Bohrman, a number of well-known news personalities have anchored WNN early in their careers, including original anchors Aaron Brown and Lisa McRee, Thalia Assuras, Kevin Newman, Alison Stewart, Liz Cho, and Anderson Cooper. WNN is divided into an A, B, C, and D-block, featuring different segments. Top news headlines are in the "front of the book" with reports from ABC NewsOne correspondents or repeated reports from the network's evening news program ABC World News. There is a national weather forecast and an often humorous "kicker" story that ends the A-block. The "back of the book" are usually stories from Nightline, BBC reports, or other segments produced in the studio, depending on the day of the week.80%
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