Ludovico Bessegato
Elia Santini
Total episodes: 62
Eva Brighi
Total episodes: 52
Martino Rametta
Total episodes: 52
Sana Allagui
Total episodes: 52
Silvia Mirabella
Total episodes: 52
Federica Cacciotti
Total episodes: 52
Giovanni Garau
Total episodes: 52
Edoardo Incanti
Total episodes: 52
Laura Pandakovic
Total episodes: 52
Federico Canegallo
Total episodes: 52
Total episodes: 52
Chicco Rodi
Total episodes: 52
Release Date
March 29, 2018Last air Date
January 18, 2024Status
EndedOriginal Language
Available On
Aired on: 2024 | 10 Episodes
Season 6 will be the first to focus on a SKAM Italia character without a counterpart from the original Norwegian series, with Asia Giovannelli as the central character. Charismatic, strong, and determined, Asia and her friend group, "The Rebels," will face challenges to their decisive morals and ideals by the arrival of new students, especially Giulio.
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