Muhammad Usamah Zaid
Prof. Akram,Bakar
Total episodes: 195
Dr. Ghazali,Zain
Total episodes: 156
Ali Ghazali,Comot
Total episodes: 78
Rizwan,General Rama
Total episodes: 78
Total episodes: 78
Rizka Widjaya,Geetha
Total episodes: 78
Alicia Kheng
Total episodes: 39
Dos (2)
Total episodes: 39
Uno (1)
Total episodes: 39
Trez (3)
Total episodes: 39
Cinco (5)
Total episodes: 39
Seis and Siete (6 and 7)
Total episodes: 39
Release Date
April 8, 2016Last air Date
January 28, 2023Status
Returning SeriesOriginal Language
Available On
Aired on: 2022 | 13 Episodes
Due to the insistent demand after three years since the end of the second season, it was announced that a third season has been confirmed with undergoing productions of the new episodes, as well as the release of a new teaser music of opening theme. A small teaser trailer was released on 14 October 2021, and a poster released on 28 November 2021, while its official trailer was released on 10 June 2022. It was voted to be most popular local animated series on ABPBH 34.