The anime takes place on the screw-shaped island country of Nejigajima and follows the two "Bokyabots" Hebot and the Yurui Prince Nejiru as they collect different "Bokya Neji" screws. When the Bokyabots wear the Bokya Neji screws on their heads, they're able to compete in "Bokya Battles," battles for who can think up and tell the best jokes.60%
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Release Date
September 17, 2016Last air Date
September 23, 2017Status
EndedOriginal Language
Available On
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Season 1
Aired on: 2016 | 50 Episodes
The story takes place on Screw Island, a screw-shaped island nation where people make audiences laugh through the practice of "VocabBattles," heated gag contests in which "VocabBots" place "VocabScrews" on their heads and compete to come up with the funniest joke. Everything in this world is decided through VocabBattles! The unlikely duo of Heybot, the bungling VocabBot protagonist, and his partner, the easygoing prince Nejiru, are the stars in this ridiculous gag story!
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