Small Town Security
Small Town Security is an American reality television series produced by Ken Druckerman and Banks Tarver from Left/Right Productions for the AMC network. The unscripted show focuses on a small, family-owned, private security company called JJK Security, located in the rural city of Ringgold, Georgia. The show, green-lit along with Comic Book Men, was picked up for a season of eight half-hour episodes and premiered after the season 5 premiere of Breaking Bad on July 15, 2012. On September 28, 2012 the series was renewed for a second season, which aired from May 9 until June 27, 2013.40%
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Release Date
July 15, 2012Last air Date
June 3, 2014Status
Returning SeriesOriginal Language
Available On
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Season 3
Aired on: 2014 | 5 Episodes
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