![Chris Ryan profile](https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w500/8N5xmqsvtIVxiZTKOhruZDXmRRt.jpg)
Chris Ryan
Aidan Dempsey
Total episodes: 21
Total episodes: 21
Total episodes: 21
Total episodes: 21
Total episodes: 21
Total episodes: 21
Henry Garvie
Total episodes: 17
Louis Hoffman
Total episodes: 15
Total episodes: 15
Total episodes: 15
Jamie Dow
Total episodes: 12
Sgt. Johnny Bell
Total episodes: 6
Release Date
September 16, 2002Last air Date
June 1, 2008Status
EndedOriginal Language
Available On
Aired on: 2006 | 5 Episodes
During the fourth season of this program, Red Troop monitor a suspected weapons dealer who leads them into an armed stand-off and more.
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