Eigo de Shabera Night
Eigo de Shabera Night is a Japanese talk show by NHK. The show began in 2003 and ended in 2009, however is ongoing as a special program. Contrary to the title, Japanese is the main language used in the show, although the Japanese hosts use English when interviewing British and American celebrities, such as Noel Gallagher, Howard Stringer and Colin Farrell, or when the English language is discussed. Pakkun Eiken is a quiz where Patrick Harlan defines a certain word in English, after which contestants must produce the word in question. Other sections of the show include London Online and The Strongest English Project in History!?. NHK recently announced that regular broadcasts of the show would be cancelled, but that "special editions of the program will be aired on an irregular basis".40%
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Release Date
Not available.Last air Date
Not available.Status
EndedOriginal Language
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