Sesame Street: Elmo's World
"Elmo's World" is a fifteen-minute long segment that was shown at the end of the children's television program Sesame Street. It premiered in late 1998, as part of the show's structural changes, to appeal to their younger viewers, and to increase their lower ratings. The segment was developed out of a series of workshops that studied the changes in the viewing habits of their audience, and the reasons for the show's lower ratings. "Elmo's World" used traditional elements of production, but had a more sustained narrative. It was presented from the perspective of a three-year old child as represented by its host, the Muppet Elmo, who was performed by Kevin Clash. In 2002, Sesame Street's producers changed the rest of the show to reflect its younger demographic and the increase in their viewers' sophistication.63%
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Release Date
Not available.Last air Date
January 25, 2000Status
EndedOriginal Language
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Season 31
Aired on: 2000 | 1 Episodes
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