The Gingerbread Man
The Gingerbread Man is a stop motion animated children's television series about a gingerbread man and his friends, who come to life in their kitchen home when the people are asleep. The series was written by David Wood, adapted from his two-act musical play The Gingerbread Man, which premiered in 1976 at the Towngate Theatre in Basildon, Essex, and went on to great international success. The play is inspired by "The Gingerbread Man", a 19th-century fairy tale. The screen adaptation was co-produced by FilmFair and Central Independent Television in 1991, and broadcast on ITV On September 24 1992.At 5:40pm Andrew Sachs voiced the roles of the Gingerbread Man, Salt the Sailor, and Herr von Cuckoo. Jacqueline Clarke voiced Miss Pepper.80%
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