Natasha Allegri
Bee (voice)
Total episodes: 16
Cas (voice),Cas / Temp Training School Teacher (voice)
Total episodes: 14
Cardamon (voice),Cardamon / Dinosaur Kid (voice)
Total episodes: 11
Toast (voice),Temp Bot / Toast (voice)
Total episodes: 9
Crispin (voice)
Total episodes: 7
Deckard (voice),Deckard / Baby #2 / Ghost (voice)
Total episodes: 6
Boss (voice),Warlock R / Heart Head / John Hammerbottom (voice)
Total episodes: 5
Pretty Patrick (voice)
Total episodes: 3
Moully (voice)
Total episodes: 3
Howell (voice)
Total episodes: 3
Merlin (voice),Merlin / Grasshopper / Boombox Voice (voice)
Total episodes: 3
Wesley (voice),Wesley / Old Man (voice)
Total episodes: 3
Release Date
September 6, 2022Last air Date
September 6, 2022Status
EndedOriginal Language
Available On
Aired on: 2022 | 16 Episodes
On a charming magical island, the impulsive Bee and her furry pal get up to all sorts of adventures while working for an intergalactic temp agency.