The True Colors
Princess Mi-Kang (Hong Su-Ah) is the first daughter of the King. She is not interested in studying or marrying. Princess Mi-Kang is full of curiosity and sympathy for the people. She insists that she wil not marry, but now gives up and decides to marry. For the last time, she secretly leaves the palace and does things she wants like eating at a restaurant, meeting her friend and going to novelist No Chul-Ki's (Oh Man-Seok) book signing. On the way back to the palace, Princess Mi-Kang sees someone being kidnapped. No Chul-Ki is a popular novelist. He is almost ideal, with good looks and wealthy. One day, he gets an order from the King (Son Hyun-Joo). He is told to get Princess Mi-Kang back to the palace, but when No Chul-Ki finds Princess Mi-Kang he can't take her back to the palace due to her witnessing the kidnapping.40%
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Release Date
March 25, 2012Last air Date
April 15, 2012Status
EndedOriginal Language
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Season 1
Aired on: 2012 | 4 Episodes
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