Untamed & Uncut
Untamed & Uncut is an American documentary television series that premiered on June 10, 2008 on Animal Planet. The program depicts unexpected and surprising animal encounters that are caught directly on tape at the scene. Each different video usually has something to do with an animal attack on a human, either intentionally or unintentionally, animals fighting each other, animals causing havoc within a community, or animal rescues in which the animal is in grave danger or has been severely wounded. Most of the time, no one is killed, although a few deaths and many minor and severe injuries have occurred. Due to the disturbing content, Untamed & Uncut holds a TV-14 rating. A sneak peek originally appeared on June 10, 2008 - the show officially debuted on October 12, 2008 with the special "Vacation Nightmares". Rodeo announcer Bob Tallman appeared as himself in two episodes of the program.40%
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Release Date
June 10, 2008Last air Date
April 26, 2010Status
EndedOriginal Language
Available On
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Untamed and uncut season 2
Aired on: 2009 | 15 Episodes
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