Roderick Taylor
Smith Sterling
Total episodes: 8
June Sterling
Total episodes: 8
Trace Sterling
Total episodes: 8
Total episodes: 8
Gina Sterling
Total episodes: 8
Hal Sterling
Total episodes: 8
Smith Sterling
Total episodes: 8
Total episodes: 8
Total episodes: 1
Total episodes: 1
Total episodes: 1
Total episodes: 1
Release Date
January 26, 1985Last air Date
March 16, 1985Status
EndedOriginal Language
English, SpanishNetworks
Available On
Aired on: 1985 | 8 Episodes
During a business trip in Egypt, Hal Sterling takes a break to go with his family to visit the pyramids. Unexpectedly, the family is drawn into a space-time vortex and transported to a new, completely different world. Each episode of Otherworld is about the Sterling family's journey to a new, completely different seeming province of this new world, in their continuing quest to find a place called Emar, and there to find a way back to Earth.