America Undercover
America Undercover is a series of documentaries that airs on the cable television network HBO. Within the series are several sub-series, such as "Autopsy", "Real Sex" and "Taxicab Confessions". The series began in 1984 and, after a brief time being broadcast weekly in 2001, is now broadcast once per month. In 2006, episodes began being rebroadcast on A&E Network. Over the years, episodes have covered numerous subjects such as abortion, organized crime, and pedophilia. The show won several awards for the 1998 production of Strippers: The Naked Stages.46%
Currently we dont have any cast list for this movie or tv show.
Release Date
June 5, 2003Last air Date
April 14, 2004Status
CanceledOriginal Language
Available On
Currently it's not available for streaming.
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Season 1
Aired on: 2003 | 7 Episodes