4h 0m
高橋みなみ卒業“148.5cmの見た夢”in 横浜スタジアム (2016)
"Shuku Takahashi Minami Graduation "148.5cm no Mita Yume" in Yokohama Stadium" (祝 高橋みなみ卒業“148.5cmの見た夢”in 横浜スタジアム) is AKB48's spring concert and Takahashi Minami's Graduation concert. The concert was held at Yokohama Stadium from March 26 - 27, 2016.80%

Minami Takahashi

Rino Sashihara

Mayu Watanabe

Yuko Oshima

Tomomi Itano

Mariko Shinoda

Miyuki Watanabe

Yuki Kashiwagi

Miru Shiroma

Sayaka Yamamoto

Yui Yokoyama

Hitomi Honda
Release Date
July 20, 2016Original Language
$0.00Production Company

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