0h 56m
Cirque du Soleil: Le Cirque Reinvente (1987)
The allure of the circus has always been magical. But, Cirque du Soleil has redefined the meaning of the word and has taken it to the next level - performance art without boundaries, ballet without gravity. And their intoxicating mixture of costume, music, stage design and showmanship has dazzled millions. Emmy award-winning Cirque Reinvente captures the extraordinary tour performed by Cirque du Soleil to sold out audiences in 1987. Included are breathtaking feats of handbalancing, tightrope, acrobatic cycling, chair balancing. contortion, clowns and arial acrobatics. "With our fieriness and our youthfulness, we wanted to reinvent the circus."80%
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Release Date
January 1, 1987Original Language
English, FrenchBudget
$0.00Production Company
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