Strawberry Shortcake: Dance Berry Dance (2017)
Dance along to the berry beat with Strawberry Shortcake and friends in four fantastic adventures! In "The Berry Bitty Dance Disaster," Apple tries to keep up with her pals in ballet class with the help of her new groove booties. When her latest invention steps out of line, everyone must help stop the shoes from dancing. Strawberry and Plum then use the groove booties to teach some pups moves before a performance, but Huckleberry's TomTom might soon become a "Doggie Dance No-Show." In "Dance Puppy Dance," Cherry Jam can't focus on her song for the Queen when the music from the puppies' video goes viral. Can Berry Bitty City band together so she can find her rhythm? Join in all the twirly-whirly fun! It's a dance-tastic good time for all!100%
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Release Date
May 23, 2017Original Language
$0.00Production Company
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