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0h 0m

Jack Johnson - Live Earth


Jack Johnson, a Jimmy Buffet-type whose lyrics were as appropriate as could be. He seemed to be more of an environmentalist than the other activist acts heard throughout the day, who were mostly anti-war. “How many train wrecks do we need to see/Its bad and getting worse/Where did all the good people go?” Other lyrics, and these are rough takes on the fly, included “Traffic in the sky and its not getting better/It’s enough to make me cry/How could we have known/Its not so hard to tell.” He pointed out a sticker on his guitar that read climatecounts.org where you can check out how big companies rate environmentally.


Jack Johnson profile
Jack Johnson

Jack Johnson profile
Jack Johnson


Release Date

Not available.

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Jack Johnson, Staple It Together | Live Earth, Sydney thumbnail
Jack Johnson, Staple It Together | Live Earth, Sydney


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