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In der Welt habt ihr Angst poster
1h 49m

In der Welt habt ihr Angst (2011)


Music student Eva has fallen head over heels in love with musician Jo. They have a burning passion for one another and discover that they are able to communicate without auxiliary means, even across great distances. Their love is so great that Eva even follows her boyfriend into heroin addiction. But now this has to come to an end: Eva is pregnant and the two of them plan to go cold turkey in the solitude of New Zealand.
Hans W. Geißendörfer profile
Hans W. Geißendörfer


Hans W. Geißendörfer profile
Hans W. Geißendörfer



Anna Maria Mühe profile
Anna Maria Mühe

Eva Baumann

Max von Thun profile
Max von Thun

Jo Kramer

Axel Prahl profile
Axel Prahl

Paul Krämer

Kirsten Block profile
Kirsten Block

Gisela Krämer

Johannes Allmayer profile
Johannes Allmayer

Tom Schäfer

Hanns Zischler profile
Hanns Zischler

Johannes Baumann

Roland Eugen Beiküfner profile
Roland Eugen Beiküfner

Buchhändler Plauen

Markus Dormann profile
Markus Dormann

junger Mann im Probenraum

Ulrich Bosch profile
Ulrich Bosch

Kommissar im Studentenwohnheim

Barbara Seifert profile
Barbara Seifert

Katja Jordan

Wilfried Klaus profile
Wilfried Klaus

Anwalt Wilhelm Pelzer

Uwe Hubert profile
Uwe Hubert

Wärter von Jo

Anna Maria Mühe profile
Anna Maria Mühe

Eva Baumann

Max von Thun profile
Max von Thun

Jo Kramer

Axel Prahl profile
Axel Prahl

Paul Krämer

Kirsten Block profile
Kirsten Block

Gisela Krämer

Johannes Allmayer profile
Johannes Allmayer

Tom Schäfer

Hanns Zischler profile
Hanns Zischler

Johannes Baumann

Roland Eugen Beiküfner profile
Roland Eugen Beiküfner

Buchhändler Plauen

Markus Dormann profile
Markus Dormann

junger Mann im Probenraum

Ulrich Bosch profile
Ulrich Bosch

Kommissar im Studentenwohnheim

Barbara Seifert profile
Barbara Seifert

Katja Jordan

Wilfried Klaus profile
Wilfried Klaus

Anwalt Wilhelm Pelzer

Uwe Hubert profile
Uwe Hubert

Wärter von Jo


Release Date

March 3, 2011

Original Language




Production Company

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