1h 39m
The Unusual Suspects: Once Upon A Time In House Music (2009)
The Unusual Suspects: Once Upon a Time in House Music recounts the history and origins of the genre of dance music known as house. The documentary takes a comprehensive look beginning with disco, the mother of house music, to legendary nightclubs such as the Warehouse and The Loft. Lifestyles and the general culture of house fans are also explored. Featured interviewees include Jesse Saunders, Robert Owens, Joe Smooth, Frankie Knuckles, Julius The Mad Thinker, Steve Silk Hurley, Loleatta Holloway, Larry Heard (aka Mr. Fingers), Carl Bias (Master C&J), Jere McCallister and many more.90%
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Release Date
September 1, 2009Original Language
$0.00Production Company
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