0h 26m
Alice de l'autre côté du Miroir (2003)
Standing in front of her bedroom mirror, Alice reflects on the young girl she will soon become. The inverted world she sees there suddenly arouses her curiosity. Is everything different? In reverse? Alice can't resist the temptation to find out for herself by going through the mirror... This itinerary follows the rules of a life-size chess game... Most of the people Alice meets in "Mirrorland" are unkind, cowardly and selfish. This is the worrying image that children can sometimes have of adults. Alice decides what she wants to become: a free and fulfilled young girl. "De l'autre côté du Miroir" describes the path Alice takes to leave childhood behind and become herself.60%
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Release Date
January 1, 2003Original Language
$0.00Production Company
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