1h 25m
Texas Rangers: The Greatest Lawmen the World Has Ever Known (1985)
The greatest lawmen the world has ever known! Shoot first; ask questions later. Perhaps that was the unofficial philosophy of a group of adventurous young men formed to protect Texas in the mid-19th century. But who could blame them? Texas truly was the wild West. Meet some of the greatest lawmen the world has ever known in Texas Rangers, previously seen on public television, including Jack Hays, who won a battle despite being outnumbered 100 to 1. Then, there s Leander McNelly, who with 40 other Rangers established order in the Rio Grande Valley despite Robert E. Lees opinion that it would take 20,000 men to do so! Plus, find out why the Ranger responsible for putting an end to Bonnie and Clydes crime spree, simply gave his gun away.80%
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Release Date
May 5, 1985Original Language
$0.00Production Company
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